All list below include:
Items that can ship immediately (In-Stock)
Items on order to be received soon (En-Route)
Total available for purchase (Net Available)
Availability can change at any time. Lists are updated daily but they're NOT live. Don't wait to place orders!
Note: There are two types of lists. First is the confidential franchise "base price" list. The second is a sharable inventory list.

Do not share the price list with any prospects, clients, or vendors. It's for internal use only.
Disclaimer: Product availability is not guaranteed and might be subject to our substitution guidelines. All products may differ due to size, dressing arrangement, variance in construction, fluffing, lighting, kit contents, or differences in printer and display technologies. Some images are digital renderings and may contain additional or alternate decor options. Some images might be of different sized products. All promotions, product details, and overall offerings can change or be canceled at any time without notice or compensation. All discounts, coupons, and promotions are “off base price” and not combinable with other offers. All statistics, market research, and franchise projections is sourced from our own research or reputable online sources. All information is provided in good faith, is subject to interpretation, and not a guarantee of success. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Copyright 2023 The Decor Group